Friday, 11 July 2014

Basingstoke Exhibition

I am please to share the news that my work is on display in a bustling area of Basingstoke Festival Place for 6 weeks. Having invidulated this gallery shop I've seen the volume of footfall of like minded locals, which gives hope to the local art scene.

I have 9 artworks on display; 6 canvas pieces, one of which is a handmade custom canvas, and 3 drawings. 

These works have an underlying expression for the theme of travel, and one of my recent works titled Wanderlust alludes to this. 

The show is a collection of work by local artists and is the second "pop up" gallery under the name All Our Own Work. I was invited to participate in the first smaller shop but due to previous commitments at the resident artist exhibit I couldn't fulfil that ask.

 I'm pleased that fellow Fine Art Graduate Claire Leach is also taking part in the exhibition. (See photo, drawings on left by Claire Leach) 

For more details please check my Facebook page 'Sarah Byng Art'. Or visit the shop, next door to BHS and Topshop; festival place, Basingstoke. 

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Resident Artist at Proteus Creation Space.

For some months now, I have been a resident artist at the Proteus Creation Space Studio. In this time my work has become increasingly focused on the 10 months I spent travelling around Oceania and Asia. My work has developed from reproducing images similar to the sights I saw into really exploring the ideas behind our conceptions of travelling and land borders.

I was recently given the opportunity of a resident artists show with three fellow artists. The works on display at this show were all heavily based on travel. I exhibited 10 pieces, some of which were part of the series displayed above.

I have a strong interest in both Map Art and Land Art, and my work is expresses through drawing, painting, sculpture and installation.
This has been the first time I have ever made work that feels so personal. The works have words which although may seem random, they bring back a visual memory of the country I lived in for sometimes nearly 2 months at a time.
Hearing people read out loud the words in the work, I feel vulnerable, like they are reading my diary. I'm sure to them it has completely different meaning, and I want that be the case, I don't want to force my emotions on people but instead draw out their own memories.