Sunday, 31 January 2010


Drawings made from my Puddle sculptures, which themselves are made from puddles around the uni, as are the drawings, reflections of the studio and the gallery.
I'm investigating the idea of capturing an ephemeral moment, the University itself has an expiry date(due to bad financing it is being sold), and the puddles will not be captured or remembered because of their insignificance.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Sky Photo's

A few photos I've taken when I've found the clouds and colour of the sky to be amazing.

Pond Photo's

A collection of photographs I've taken while walking around, pretty reflections and Autumn leaves.

Ice Crystals

On a very cold day this winter, I found these staight lines made by ice on the inside of my windscreen. I think they are very beautiful and delicate.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Exhibition at Basingstoke Town Centre Library

An exhibition of works by myself and Claire Leach is at the Basingstoke Town Centre Library for six weeks, finishing on the 11th of Feburary.
We had to delay hanging the show because of the snow, and untill the very last minute we were not sure if Claire was able to get her paintings there.